Courses and Webinars

The Transplaining for Camps teams offers a variety of webinars, workshops, and recorded courses to help you grow in your understanding of queer and trans* equity in the camp setting. With flexible tiered pricing, we are able to work with most budgets to ensure that the work is accessible to all who seek to learn!

Information about Tiered Pricing for Webinars and Courses

To reflect the varying resources that camps have, we are rolling out a tiered pricing model so that cost is not a barrier to camps wishing to do the work. If the lowest support option is still higher than your resources allow, please contact to inquire about additional financial assistance.

  • For camps and camp professionals that need support to ensure that they can participate in webinars, workshops and courses.

  • This price most closely reflects the direct cost of creating and hosting this workshop, webinar, or course.

  • This option allows us to keep offering workshops, webinars, and trainings to members of the camp community at a price that they can afford based on their personal, or organizational resources.

Webinars and Courses